This page shows the DX information for DF1QR including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 3 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for DF1QR

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
15/01/2025 20:41 UTC 7052.0 ww luegen contest DG8YHH
14/01/2025 18:21 UTC 3581.9 DARC contest RTTY DM5UE
11/01/2025 15:17 UTC 3625.0 75 VFDB DL4FDI
11/01/2025 13:44 UTC 7162.0 VFDB Z95 DA2E
31/12/2024 08:47 UTC 28074.0 Remote fake holger DG8YHH
31/12/2024 08:46 UTC 28074.0 FT8 dp7d df0mu holger DG8YHH
08/12/2024 10:15 UTC 21074.0 FT8 -07dB from JO32 2222Hz YC1JEL
01/12/2024 08:37 UTC 50315.0 FT8 +37 dB 1129 Hz DP7D
01/12/2024 08:30 UTC 50315.0 FT8 +37 dB 1968 Hz PC24XMAS
30/11/2024 14:04 UTC 50315.0 hiii dp7d df0mu DG8YHH