Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 15 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 9 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for 9A2MW

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
23/11/2024 08:14 UTC 28181.8 IM98<ES>JN75 FT4 FT4 Sent: +02 Rcvd: +05 EB5EEO
03/11/2024 11:38 UTC 50313.0 FT8 +04dB from JN75 2032Hz EA1AIW
02/11/2024 12:25 UTC 50313.0 FT8 -7 dB 2061Hz 1st WW1L
09/10/2024 17:48 UTC 432175.9 JN75<TROPO>JN68HG DF7RG
29/09/2024 12:00 UTC 28180.0 FT4 tnx 73s CS7AUT
27/09/2024 10:23 UTC 50313.0 exactly DF is 800Hz GPS DK2EA
10/09/2024 12:41 UTC 50313.0 sri cal DL5WP
10/09/2024 08:10 UTC 50313.0 FT8 thanks for your report from JN75VW DG7LAZ
08/09/2024 04:27 UTC 144249.5 USB HA6W
04/09/2024 19:36 UTC 144174.0 TNX FT8 QSO OP ATTILA GL 73 HA9AL