Country information
ITU: 27 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: -0 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 2 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for GW7SMV

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
03/11/2024 19:44 UTC 144176.0 FT8 +18 dB 1330 Hz DB0ATV
03/11/2024 17:21 UTC 144174.0 FT8 -13 dB nice to hear DH8WE
03/11/2024 17:03 UTC 144174.0 JN37SM<TROPO>IO81LN FT8 tnx HB9DFG
02/11/2024 14:59 UTC 50135.0 FN25<>IO81LN 5x9 Ottawa VE3LOE
01/11/2024 08:56 UTC 50313.0 FT8 -18 dB 1461 Hz G4VPD
31/10/2024 18:57 UTC 432174.0 JO82LJ<TROPO>IO81LN copy SO3Z
31/10/2024 16:08 UTC 144174.0 JO82LJ<TROPO>IO81LN tnx SO3Z
31/10/2024 15:48 UTC 144175.4 JO60LV<TROPO>IO81LN 73 DG0JMB
31/10/2024 13:13 UTC 50313.0 ft8 N9PGG
29/10/2024 12:39 UTC 50313.0 RW9MC GW7SMV 73 DB0AD