UTC Freq Call DXCC Comment Spotter
16:15 24894.0 CQ35MD Madeira Islands   Madeira Islands K5UR
16:13 24915.2 IK8OAM Italy   Italy KC0GU
16:12 24935.0 TR8CA Gabon   Gabon 59 on vertical new band merci F4FBC
16:12 24915.2 OM3DX Slovak Republic   Slovak Republic KC0GU
16:11 24935.0 TR8CA Gabon   Gabon cq cq SP8DR
16:08 24892.0 V31DJ Belize   Belize CCC up 1 IU1OPQ
16:08 24915.2 IZ0MIT Italy   Italy KC0GU
16:07 24891.0 V31DJ Belize   Belize cq up1 S57L
16:04 24935.0 TR8CA Gabon   Gabon IK4MTF
16:03 24916.4 F4JGI France   France KC0GU
16:00 24894.1 CQ35MD Madeira Islands   Madeira Islands NJ5N
15:59 24916.4 F5LNU France   France KC0GU
15:57 24894.2 CQ35MD Madeira Islands   Madeira Islands cq cw S57L
15:55 24915.9 CN8NY Morocco   Morocco KC0GU
15:42 24916.9 ZA/IW2JOP Albania   Albania ft8 WB4RA
15:36 24939.0 WU9P United States   United States tnx qso 9plus10 in Imola IW4EOI
15:35 24921.0 WA1WCC United States   United States FT4 +02 JO60LM<>FN51AQ DL4JCP
15:30 24917.0 ZP6/N3BNA Paraguay   Paraguay FT8 -09 DL4JCP
15:29 24939.0 WU9P United States   United States s9 , low QSB to JN18FR ... F4PZN
15:28 24939.0 WU9P United States   United States 5/9 into uk M1EMC

What is this page?

The DX Cluster is a tool used by radio amateurs to share real-time information about radio links (DX) and active stations in frequency. It is a network of interconnected servers that allows radio operators to post and receive reports (called "spots") on active DX stations in the band, indicating frequency, callsign, mode and other useful information.

A DX Cluster node is a server or access point that offers service to other hams, allowing them to connect via specific software, via packet radio, or via telnet terminal.

Radio operators publish "spots" to report DX stations they have heard or connected to, specifying the frequency and other information.

The spots are shared in real time with all users connected to the DX Cluster's worldwide network.

Radio amateurs and SWLs can use this information to search for new DX stations to connect (or listen to), following the frequency and mode directions.