This page shows the DX information for XV9T including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 49 CQ: 26 Continent: AS Diff. UTC: 7 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for XV9T

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
16/02/2025 23:08 UTC 14074.0 FT8 -08dB from OK33 319Hz BD2BN
16/02/2025 20:15 UTC 14074.3 FT8 -06 Thx for qso 73 F4BJN
16/02/2025 19:40 UTC 14074.3 IN52<>OK33 FT8 EA1YV
16/02/2025 18:46 UTC 14074.0 THX GOOD DX 73 M7SKY
16/02/2025 17:23 UTC 14074.0 FT8 Ahoj tnx QSO GL/GDX 73!... IS0BKS
16/02/2025 07:33 UTC 50313.0 324Hz CQCQ JA5FNX
16/02/2025 07:06 UTC 50313.0 RX Only: 6 decodes QG62LP08<>OK33XV VK4CZ
16/02/2025 07:03 UTC 50313.0 FT8 +1 dB 1877 Hz 9K2GS
16/02/2025 00:49 UTC 28001.7 ARRL DX CW K7VIT
16/02/2025 00:11 UTC 28001.7 CW K7TD