Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 57 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for DG3TF

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
06/09/2024 16:48 UTC 144174.0 SP3LDY DG3TF JO53 500watt DG8YHH
05/09/2024 14:48 UTC 144174.0 FT8 Pater nowbody call DG8YHH
31/08/2024 07:11 UTC 144174.0 672 ~ CQ DG3TF JO53 500watt RA0DIO
08/08/2024 05:48 UTC 144175.0 FT8 +17 dB 1731 Hz 500w DL0GX
07/08/2024 07:43 UTC 144360.0 MSK144 +0 dB RA1AEP
06/08/2024 10:33 UTC 144174.0 FT8 -2 dB 2379 Hz TNX QSO F6CIS
06/08/2024 10:07 UTC 144173.5 FT8 -11 JN01WK<ES>JO53 EA3EDU
06/08/2024 07:11 UTC 144360.0 tnx ms qso I8KPV
06/08/2024 05:46 UTC 144360.0 MSK144 +16 dB HA2NP
06/08/2024 05:38 UTC 144360.0 MSK144 +4 dB I8KPV