This page shows the DX information for T77C including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 15 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for T77C

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
06/02/2025 20:37 UTC 10136.0 FT8 JR6RRD
06/02/2025 20:28 UTC 10136.0 FT8 JQ7DGW
05/02/2025 09:25 UTC 10103.0 tnx IZ2BHQ
31/01/2025 17:27 UTC 21022.0 N5WBF
31/01/2025 17:19 UTC 21022.0 lp DF6RI
31/01/2025 17:15 UTC 21022.0 cq KR6C
31/01/2025 17:13 UTC 21022.0 W6QX
31/01/2025 17:04 UTC 21022.0 K6RIM
31/01/2025 16:58 UTC 21021.9 CW GI58sn -> JN63 PY8WW
31/01/2025 16:16 UTC 28019.5 Ciao Tony IZ8MBW