This page shows the DX information for SQ5NWH including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 15 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 2 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for SQ5NWH

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
19/01/2025 19:35 UTC 144174.0 tnx QSO UR5WCE
19/01/2025 18:29 UTC 144174.0 FT8 -5 dB >JO92# mni tnx DH8WE
19/01/2025 17:16 UTC 144174.0 jn86/jo92 tnx S51ZO
18/01/2025 20:58 UTC 144174.0 JN87JJ<TROPO>JO92RK -1 tnx gl HA1FV
18/01/2025 18:39 UTC 144174.0 JN87DC<>JO92RK OE4WHG
13/01/2025 21:46 UTC 144174.0 JO81PF<TROPO>JO92RK SQ6OXF
11/01/2025 19:03 UTC 10489540.0 sat DL4CH
03/01/2025 19:57 UTC 144360.0 JN11KT<MS>JO92 MSK144 -1 dB RX EA3BZ
14/12/2024 22:21 UTC 144360.0 JN87DC<MS>JO92 OE4WHG
13/12/2024 22:59 UTC 144360.0 MSK144 -3 dB PA1AW