This page shows the DX information for M0NPT including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 27 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: -0 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for M0NPT

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
16/02/2025 18:58 UTC 14019.3 M0NPT
16/02/2025 16:56 UTC 21118.2 N3FJP
16/02/2025 16:52 UTC 21118.2 N4UU
16/02/2025 10:31 UTC 28444.0 ER1PL
14/02/2025 14:03 UTC 21140.0 FT4 -15dB 1464Hz YC1JEL
14/02/2025 10:41 UTC 28180.0 FT4 -08dB 1483Hz EA4HOS
12/02/2025 18:45 UTC 7170.0 SSTV OE6PLD
05/02/2025 09:42 UTC 10137.1 KA2G
29/01/2025 16:12 UTC 7048.8 FT4 -04dB SP3VSC
28/01/2025 20:19 UTC 10489700.0 QO100 SPAIN IN91NP<SAT>IO92KX SSB EA2ABZ