This page shows the DX information for IU1HGO including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 15 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for IU1HGO

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
13/02/2025 15:51 UTC 7082.0 1P. FESTIVAL SAN REMO IU5SGZ
13/02/2025 15:45 UTC 7082.0 1P. FESTIVAL SAN REMO EA3HYJ
13/02/2025 15:38 UTC 7082.0 aw sanremo IZ6FHZ
13/02/2025 15:29 UTC 7082.0 Sanremo aw IZ1RHI
13/02/2025 15:29 UTC 7082.0 FESTIVAL S.REMO OE6PID
13/02/2025 15:26 UTC 7082.0 LSB IZ8STJ
13/02/2025 15:17 UTC 7082.0 FESTIVAL S.REMO IK1JNP
10/02/2025 16:56 UTC 7097.0 IONOTST IZ1RHI
10/02/2025 16:52 UTC 7097.0 ionotest world safer day IU3IIZ
10/02/2025 16:51 UTC 7097.0 TNX 73 IT9IRP