This page shows the DX information for IK3PQH including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 15 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 15 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for IK3PQH

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
23/01/2025 08:15 UTC 7152.0 Dtmba 1027 VE IZ1TNA
23/01/2025 08:07 UTC 7152.0 (new-one) DTMBA I1027VE IW3FFR
23/01/2025 08:05 UTC 7152.0 DTMBA I1027VE IW3FFR
23/01/2025 07:58 UTC 14260.0 DTMBA I1027VE QSY 40m IW3FFR
23/01/2025 07:53 UTC 14260.0 DTMBA I1027VE IOTA IIA IW3FFR
23/01/2025 07:41 UTC 7140.0 DTMBA I1027VE QSY 20m IW3FFR
23/01/2025 07:37 UTC 7140.0 DTMBA I1027VE CQ IW3FFR
23/01/2025 07:33 UTC 7140.0 DTMBA-I1027VE IW2OEV
23/01/2025 07:31 UTC 7140.0 DTMBA I1027VE IOTA IIA IW3FFR
23/01/2025 07:28 UTC 7140.0 dtmba i 1027 ve IZ5HEV