This page shows the DX information for II9RRAG including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 15 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 77 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for II9RRAG

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
03/11/2024 08:55 UTC 18100.0 tnx QSO RV0APH
03/11/2024 08:44 UTC 24919.0 tnx QSO EW6AS
01/11/2024 18:02 UTC 7140.0 LSB IZ8STJ
01/11/2024 17:57 UTC 7140.0 100th Italian radio IT9JWH
29/10/2024 09:43 UTC 21074.0 09:43 100th Italian radio IT9IJA
29/10/2024 09:38 UTC 21074.0 FT8 -06dB 1822Hz EA1AHP
29/10/2024 09:30 UTC 21074.0 09:30 100th Italian radio IT9IJA
29/10/2024 09:29 UTC 21074.0 100th Italian radio IT9IJA
24/10/2024 16:33 UTC 21074.0 16:33 100th Italian radio IT9IJA
24/10/2024 16:32 UTC 21074.0 100th Italian radio IT9IJA