This page shows the DX information for GB3MHZ including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 27 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: -0 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 12 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for GB3MHZ

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
02/02/2025 10:47 UTC 1296830.0 IN98LV<TROPO>JO02PB 569 qsb F6EAS
24/01/2025 13:56 UTC 1296830.0 529 IO80SO<AS>JO02PB33 K2U G8IKP
14/01/2025 11:21 UTC 1296830.0 IN98LV<TROPO>JO02PB 559 F6EAS
13/01/2025 19:14 UTC 1296830.0 IN88IJ<TROPO>JO02PB hrd 559 F6DBI
25/12/2024 18:21 UTC 1296830.0 519 normal nil SA6BUN
25/12/2024 17:42 UTC 1296830.0 JN18CS<TROPO>JO02PB Endscale F6DKW
25/12/2024 17:13 UTC 1296830.0 599 IO81VK<TROPO>JO02PB 2E0NEY
25/12/2024 07:11 UTC 1296830.0 IN88IJ<TROPO>JO02PB hrd 589 F6DBI
11/12/2024 13:06 UTC 1296830.0 529 JO62QN-JO02PB DC7QH
09/11/2024 08:26 UTC 1296830.0 jo02>io90 579 qsb G1HWY