This page shows the DX information for F6HRE including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 27 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 9 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for F6HRE

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
07/02/2025 06:16 UTC 144312.0 IN88IJ<TROPO>IN93GK 58 mci Patrick F6DBI
05/02/2025 06:36 UTC 432222.0 IN88IJ<TROPO>IN93GK 52 mci Patrick F6DBI
02/02/2025 06:58 UTC 144244.0 IN97DD<TROPO>IN93GK 55/52 73 Patrick F1CPX
02/02/2025 06:21 UTC 144312.0 IN88IJ<TROPO>IN93GK 59 mci Patrick F6DBI
01/02/2025 06:17 UTC 144322.0 IN88IJ<TROPO>IN93GK 55 QSB mci Patrick F6DBI
31/01/2025 06:20 UTC 144312.0 IN88IJ<TROPO>IN93GK 58 QSB mci Patrick F6DBI
25/01/2025 07:32 UTC 144244.0 IN97DD<TROPO>IN93GK 55 73 pATRICK F1CPX
20/01/2025 06:19 UTC 144312.0 IN88IJ<TROPO>IN93GK 59 mci Patrick F6DBI
19/01/2025 09:18 UTC 144264.0 IN83<TROPO>IN93 PAT CQ EA CTEST EA1HRR
19/01/2025 06:40 UTC 144264.0 IN98KE<>IN93GK F4FRG