This page shows the DX information for EA1N including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 37 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 65 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for EA1N

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
09/12/2024 01:14 UTC 10136.0 XE2SSB
01/12/2024 20:04 UTC 7065.0 FT8 +15 dB 1277 Hz DL4M
29/11/2024 08:47 UTC 10137.5 K7STO
19/11/2024 19:15 UTC 14075.6 K7STO
10/11/2024 13:43 UTC 50313.0 FT8 -21 dB 1077Hz 2nd WW1L
08/11/2024 10:57 UTC 50313.0 KO85<ES>IN73 FT8 -9 dB 654 Hz UA3ARC
05/11/2024 04:52 UTC 10136.6 KB8OTK
04/11/2024 15:26 UTC 40680.0 in71 r-15 tnx qso 73 IK0RMR
04/11/2024 14:45 UTC 40680.0 FT8 +6 dB 1532 Hz UT5ERP
04/11/2024 14:09 UTC 40680.0 Hrd CQ -6 <es> US8AR