This page shows the DX information for DK7QX including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 25 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for DK7QX

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
18/01/2025 13:40 UTC 50315.0 FT8 +17 dB 199 Hz DG8YHH
03/01/2025 10:30 UTC 50280.0 MSK144 +0 dB Danke fürs QSO HB9SHD
13/12/2024 23:50 UTC 50280.0 IO80FL<MS>JO42 MSK144 +9 dB GE1SDX
11/12/2024 19:05 UTC 50280.0 IO75XU<MS>JO42 MSK144 +3 tnx73 MM0CEZ
11/12/2024 19:00 UTC 50280.0 IO75PP<>JO42 HRD MSK144 +10 MM0CKK
08/12/2024 09:45 UTC 50315.0 FT8 +28 dB 358 Hz PA6I
29/11/2024 11:42 UTC 50315.0 FT8 +16 dB 359 Hz DP7D
29/11/2024 11:41 UTC 50315.0 FT8 +16 dB 324 Hz DP7D
28/11/2024 07:50 UTC 50315.0 FT8 +14 dB 911 Hz II9RACI
25/11/2024 19:55 UTC 50315.0 DK7QX DL8YHR RR73 DR2T