This page shows the DX information for A41DV including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 39 CQ: 21 Continent: AS Diff. UTC: 4 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for A41DV

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
13/02/2025 14:59 UTC 18100.0 FT8 -1 dB 1022 Hz OP1D
10/02/2025 15:18 UTC 24915.0 FT8 IM99sm -> LL93cp EB5BZM
09/02/2025 17:49 UTC 7074.0 FT8 CQ JR6RRD
08/02/2025 17:40 UTC 18101.3 FT8 Sent: -19 Rcvd: -08 IZ1MLQ
07/02/2025 20:41 UTC 7074.0 FT8 Tnx, 73 JQ7DGW
07/02/2025 08:38 UTC 24915.0 FT8 IM98wm -> LL93cp ON4ANV
05/02/2025 09:39 UTC 28180.0 FT4 1183hz tnx F5MNW
04/02/2025 16:48 UTC 21074.8 KB8OTK
04/02/2025 15:58 UTC 21074.0 FT8 -05dB 1084Hz F5JME
04/02/2025 10:00 UTC 24915.0 cq DF6JF