UTC Freq Call DXCC Comment Spotter
11:20 21220.0 JW5E Svalbard   Svalbard 59 Tnx Qso F4EJW
11:20 10140.0 EA9URM Ceuta & Melilla   Ceuta & Melilla FT4 EA4U
11:20 14270.0 TM850N France   France 5/9 in sicily IT9BEZ
11:19 14225.0 XR2AID Chile   Chile USB XV9R
11:19 7120.0 PD0RWL/P Netherlands   Netherlands B/PA-0459,0460,0461 ON5JK
11:19 24898.0 SM7GIB Sweden   Sweden Casual HF operation SC7DX
11:18 7047.0 EA4AAA Spain   Spain Actualizar dt hay mucho desfase ec5a EA2AFV
11:18 14225.0 XR2AID Chile   Chile SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN 9N1CA
11:17 14270.0 TM850N France   France Thank you MM0DXL
11:17 28440.0 9K9NLD Kuwait   Kuwait SSB SES YL2VW
11:17 144150.0 VA3IKE Canada   Canada EM32AI<MS>EN82QB W5EME
11:17 21288.0 MM7RWC Scotland   Scotland cq cq G5TIP
11:16 28267.7 VK8VF/B Australia   Australia 579 but no vk on band hi I0KNQ
11:16 21034.0 R102ME European Russia   European Russia SES CW UA6LCT
11:16 14270.0 TM850N France   France F5PVX
11:16 7047.0 EC5A Spain   Spain Revisar DT ea1htf dt muy alto clock EA2AFV
11:15 14080.0 IQ9AAP Italy   Italy 11.15 Accredit Station A Vespucci IT9BGB
11:15 14074.9 HK2N Colombia   Colombia W3VAC
11:15 14235.0 CX3AN Uruguay   Uruguay QRZ VK ZL SEA CX3AN
11:15 10136.0 AO6WRD Balearic Islands   Balearic Islands FT8 Special call EA4U

What is this page?

The DX Cluster is a tool used by radio amateurs to share real-time information about radio links (DX) and active stations in frequency. It is a network of interconnected servers that allows radio operators to post and receive reports (called "spots") on active DX stations in the band, indicating frequency, callsign, mode and other useful information.

A DX Cluster node is a server or access point that offers service to other hams, allowing them to connect via specific software, via packet radio, or via telnet terminal.

Radio operators publish "spots" to report DX stations they have heard or connected to, specifying the frequency and other information.

The spots are shared in real time with all users connected to the DX Cluster's worldwide network.

Radio amateurs and SWLs can use this information to search for new DX stations to connect (or listen to), following the frequency and mode directions.