Country information
ITU: 44 CQ: 24 Continent: AS Diff. UTC: 8 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 1 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for VR2VRC

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
18/05/2024 20:07 21074.0 FT8 -13db IZ0MIO
18/05/2024 19:50 21074.0 FT8 -08dB 929Hz SP7IIT
15/05/2024 17:55 24915.0 FT8 -9 dB 809 Hz EA3CU
15/05/2024 17:14 24915.0 IOTA AS-006 DL9YY
10/05/2024 15:46 18101.6 WY6K
10/05/2024 01:38 14074.0 FT8 -07dB 1845Hz HK4SAN
08/05/2024 19:16 10136.0 Vy Tnx Yip, Vy 73 Gl Dx DM2DMI
07/05/2024 20:50 18100.0 FT8 -17dB 1842Hz SP7IIT
28/04/2024 13:57 21075.7 DXCC 321 VUCC OL72 WAC AS WAZ 24 LU4FTA
28/04/2024 10:33 21278.0 USB PM57kl -> OL72 HL5FUA
28/04/2024 10:30 21267.0 IOTA AS-006 XV9R
07/04/2024 10:26 50314.0 FT8 QF12AG25<>OL72 25 VK3ZAZ
07/04/2024 01:34 28495.0 NI6BB
06/04/2024 13:10 50313.0 A65HS
24/03/2024 01:50 28450.0 5/5 in GG68gd Tnx PU2USM
24/03/2024 01:44 28450.0 CQ JG2KJU
23/03/2024 04:45 50313.0 FT8 -7 dB 1303 Hz tnx PY5CC
23/03/2024 04:14 50313.0 FT8 -8 dB PY4AQA
22/03/2024 14:25 50313.0 OI71QV<>OL72CH FT8 YE9BJM
16/03/2024 11:41 28455.0 IZ1WYO
16/03/2024 11:30 28455.0 YO3AEK
16/03/2024 11:30 28455.0 Wkd 5/9 SP tnx 5/9 only 100w4el IZ1MHS
16/03/2024 11:28 28454.0 tnx for qso, 73 DG6GU
16/03/2024 11:15 28455.0 USB LY7J
16/03/2024 11:08 28454.9 USB JN26ba -> OL72ch F4CIM