Country information
ITU: 59 CQ: 30 Continent: OC Diff. UTC: 10 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for VK3AWA

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
20/05/2024 08:00 21268.0 Calling DX F5VBD
20/05/2024 07:29 18134.0 57 here in CA KB6LFM
20/05/2024 07:22 18134.0 LP IZ5CML
19/05/2024 07:52 28480.0 loud OE3JTB
18/05/2024 23:31 28075.4 KD9RMT
17/05/2024 00:51 28482.0 57 K7DK
17/05/2024 00:50 2848.0 57 K7DK
16/05/2024 07:39 21074.0 ft8 EA9ACF
16/05/2024 06:55 21075.0 FT8 -01 JN00BB<>QF31QT EA5D
14/05/2024 00:47 28075.5 AD8AL
10/05/2024 09:11 18080.0 539 Pse again F5PCV
10/05/2024 08:57 18133.0 TNX QSO 4-3 QSB ON5WO
09/05/2024 23:41 21076.0 KB6PR
09/05/2024 10:20 3573.0 TNX/FT8 VK2SOL
09/05/2024 08:59 21220.0 nice LP 100w vert. IZ5CML
09/05/2024 08:58 21220.0 Calling CQ, 59+10 into VK4 VK4OZI
09/05/2024 06:18 21075.7 WY6K
08/05/2024 04:45 28480.0 73s from Texas KJ5AKX
02/05/2024 08:42 18102.5 FT8: PF95 <-=-> QF31,-03 TU VK5WU
29/04/2024 07:50 28074.0 FT8 -18 dB 648 Hz UA3ARC
29/04/2024 02:56 28074.0 FT8 +07dB from QF31 1739Hz ZL2CC
23/04/2024 05:58 24915.0 UA6JQ
22/04/2024 08:10 14035.0 IK2ILH
19/04/2024 05:10 24930.0 I hear you WA4TVN
18/04/2024 08:33 18139.0 Calling CQ, 59+10 into VK4 VK4OZI