Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 15 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for IZ8VYU

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
19/05/2024 21:58 21075.9 KD9RMT
16/05/2024 22:51 14074.0 KE4D
15/05/2024 23:03 21074.0 KE4D
15/05/2024 22:35 21075.6 KA2G
15/05/2024 20:02 28075.9 KY4E
10/05/2024 07:28 18101.0 WY6K
09/05/2024 21:54 21074.0 FT8 -05dB from JN71 1537Hz LB8VJ
06/05/2024 23:37 18101.5 WJ2N
06/05/2024 23:11 18101.4 FT8 +04 WG3K
02/05/2024 23:41 14075.8 LW5DD
02/05/2024 23:19 14076.3 W1UU
02/05/2024 22:19 14074.8 KQ4JYG
14/04/2024 22:14 28075.1 N1OG
12/04/2024 14:59 24916.4 N8JVC
12/04/2024 06:54 14075.3 TU FT8. Ciao from South Florida K4ITA
11/04/2024 19:36 28074.0 CDM I* IZ0FYO
11/04/2024 16:14 28074.0 KE4D
09/04/2024 22:30 21075.5 KQ4LQL
07/04/2024 21:58 24919.4 K7GA
07/04/2024 18:32 50313.6 IM98<>JN71 FT8 EA5AJX
05/04/2024 22:53 18101.5 N6RH
05/04/2024 22:22 18104.5 K7GA
04/04/2024 02:10 3573.0 CDM I* MW3YBX
03/04/2024 17:26 28181.5 WA4RH
01/04/2024 16:00 50318.0 FT4 TU 73 ZS6ZA