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ITU: 27 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: -0 hours
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Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for G8XDD/P

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
20/05/2024 15:35 7188.0 UKBOTA B/G-0880 TQ14 G7VJA
20/05/2024 15:35 7188.0 POTA GB-0094 G7VJA
15/05/2024 17:50 7184.0 POTA GB-0327 F4HXJ
15/05/2024 17:47 7184.0 POTA GB-0327 CQ CQ CQ M0ICR
15/05/2024 17:40 7184.0 UKBOTA Bunker B/G-0327 M0ICR
15/05/2024 16:26 7164.0 POTA M0RBG
15/05/2024 13:03 28480.0 pota act 4 park IK4GRO
15/05/2024 12:46 7187.0 59+73 IT9EYA
15/05/2024 12:45 7187.0 POTA GB-1264/0365/0593/0130 G1DIF
15/05/2024 12:33 7187.0 POTA GB-1264 G7VJA
10/05/2024 14:18 7175.0 CCC G* POTA GB-0265 M0VUE
10/05/2024 14:13 7175.0 POTA GB-0265 UKBOTA B/G-0321 G7VJA
10/05/2024 14:07 7175.0 BOTA B/G-0321 M0BKV
10/05/2024 11:30 7132.0 POTA G-1264 G7VJA
09/05/2024 12:15 21267.0 cq cq UKBOTA + POTA F4HZN
09/05/2024 12:05 18137.0 cq cq UKBOTA + POTA F4HZN
09/05/2024 12:03 18102.1 Bunker b/g-0813, wab su91 pota gb-0265 YO6CFB
07/05/2024 14:42 14276.0 QSO 73 OK2IOZ
07/05/2024 14:32 14276.0 POTA 9A2NB
07/05/2024 12:36 7184.0 POTA GB-0039 PA3JKV
07/05/2024 12:28 7184.0 POTA 3FER Bunker B/G-0318 SU50 G7VJA
07/05/2024 12:23 7184.0 UKBOTA Bunker B/G-0318 SU50 M0ICR
16/04/2024 16:19 14258.0 UKBOTA Bunker B/G-0962 M0ICR
16/04/2024 15:35 7125.0 UKBOTA Bunker B/G-0962 SE48 M0ICR
16/04/2024 11:38 7136.0 UKBOTA Bunker B/G-0484 M0ICR