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ITU: 27 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: -0 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 5 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for EI3KD

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
14/05/2024 21:45 50313.0 5B4AIE
14/05/2024 21:16 50313.0 5B4AIE
13/05/2024 20:14 144175.0 FT8 -8 dB 699 Hz DL0DNT
12/05/2024 11:49 40680.0 S50B
12/05/2024 11:14 50313.0 FT8 DL2OCH
12/05/2024 11:06 50314.3 FT8 Sent: +03 Rcvd: -11 IZ1MLQ
11/05/2024 20:10 144068.0 IN79JX<AU>IO51VW qtf50 hrd cq G7RAU
11/05/2024 20:04 144050.0 AU 55A qtf 325, just wkd 1780km S50C
11/05/2024 09:23 144055.0 IO93FT<AUR>IO51VW 59a G1EZF
10/05/2024 22:58 50313.0 FT8 -20 dB 506Hz 1st WW1L
10/05/2024 22:40 50313.0 FT8 -15 dB 466Hz 1st WW1L
10/05/2024 21:46 144056.0 IN88IJ<AUR>IO51VW 59A TKS F6DBI
09/05/2024 23:06 50313.0 FT8 -7 dB 1822 Hz.Tnx 73. PY6BK
09/05/2024 22:35 50313.0 FT8 -14dB 431Hz PY4OY
09/05/2024 22:33 50313.0 FT8 -12 dB PY4AQA
30/04/2024 13:32 50313.0 JO43<ES>IO51 FT8 DJ9YE
30/04/2024 13:29 50313.8 JO44<ES>IO51 FT8 OZ5QF
30/04/2024 13:21 50313.0 FT8 +26 dB ant to south... DF6HT
19/04/2024 18:15 50090.0 JO79LG<AUR>IO51VW CW SM4AXY
17/04/2024 21:47 50313.0 FT8 -20 dB 413 Hz cq IO51 PY5CC
25/03/2024 21:01 50313.7 IM98<>IO51 FT8 EA5AJX
24/03/2024 17:52 50155.0 Thanks for the qso Mark EI7GUB
24/03/2024 17:48 50155.0 JO55PM<AUR>IO51VW 59A-59A tu gl 73 OZ1BNN
24/03/2024 13:54 50313.0 IN78UK<>IO51VW F1UQP
10/03/2024 21:49 50313.0 FT8 -1 dB PY4AQA