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ITU: 36 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: -1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 3 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for CU2YK

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
16/05/2024 22:50 14310.0 DL1BUG
16/05/2024 22:46 14310.0 CS7AXN
16/05/2024 22:43 14310.0 ON7HX
16/05/2024 22:33 14310.1 Thank you 73 MM0DXL
14/05/2024 22:46 21300.0 USB PY6HD
14/05/2024 22:37 21300.0 TNX 73 SV1MNN
14/05/2024 22:29 21300.0 ANA CALLING CQ CQDX MI0GTA
14/05/2024 22:24 21300.0 N4DN
14/05/2024 22:20 21300.0 CQ EI5JBB
14/05/2024 22:04 21300.0 Thx 73 - 59 in NL PA4R
14/05/2024 21:38 21290.0 TNX QSO Ana 59 to Croatia 9A1CCY
14/05/2024 21:25 21290.0 IZ2XMK
14/05/2024 21:16 21290.0 CQ WW4BT
14/05/2024 21:05 21275.0 CQ CQ PY1483SWL
13/05/2024 00:51 14308.0 CQ EI5JBB
13/05/2024 00:19 14308.0 K0DG
13/05/2024 00:18 14308.0 tnx 73 M7BYF
13/05/2024 00:15 14308.0 73 DE NL CANADA VO1TH
11/05/2024 23:58 7188.0 5/9qso VK5KI
11/05/2024 23:36 7188.0 tnx 59 ! YT2KMD
11/05/2024 23:33 7188.0 IU1JQM
11/05/2024 23:30 7188.0 EA8DX
11/05/2024 23:29 7188.0 TNX 4/3 - 73/88 QSL Ana 5/7 GL DL3WB
11/05/2024 23:27 7188.0 SV6HEF
11/05/2024 23:24 7188.0 thx qso Ana PD1ARE