Country information
ITU: 14 CQ: 12 Continent: SA Diff. UTC: -4 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for CA4WLD

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
20/05/2024 00:10 28464.0 CQ CQ CQ DX 73 CA4AUY
19/05/2024 21:52 28464.0 Gracias Waldo F4HZZ
19/05/2024 21:48 28464.0 good copy MI7DGO
19/05/2024 21:41 28464.0 5/5 cq cq SP9WMG
19/05/2024 21:39 28464.0 USB JN63af -> FF34tp IU5CJP
19/05/2024 21:38 28464.0 Tnx Waldo PD0SV
15/05/2024 22:58 28464.0 5/8 en Caracas y 73 Waldo YV5DR
15/05/2024 22:40 28464.0 USB IO93fn -> FF34tp G5TV
15/05/2024 22:28 28464.0 58 Lake District England 2E0IKM
15/05/2024 18:57 28464.0 USB JN36gj -> FF34tp F4BMY
15/05/2024 17:51 28464.0 waldo cq OE3KLU
15/05/2024 00:08 28464.0 USB FN20xu -> FF34tp W2FTJ
15/05/2024 00:05 28464.0 Thanks for the contact 73 KO4LMA
14/05/2024 23:52 28464.0 W7TMD
14/05/2024 22:02 28464.0 EM79<>FF34TP good dx my friend KD8ODX
12/05/2024 21:33 28459.0 5/7 into uk 73s M1EMC
12/05/2024 21:23 28459.0 IW1GGR
12/05/2024 21:13 28459.0 IZ5CML
11/05/2024 02:08 28464.0 73s from Texas KJ5AKX
11/05/2024 01:22 28464.0 FR41<>FF34TP KC1NDQ
10/05/2024 17:02 28464.0 73s from Texas KJ5AKX
10/05/2024 16:58 28464.0 USB EM20ii -> FF34tp N5HME
10/05/2024 01:28 28464.0 Waldo Calling DX WE0J
10/05/2024 01:05 28464.0 VE1CSM
07/05/2024 19:16 28464.0 73 from dolomiti italy IU3OCN