Country information
ITU: 39 CQ: 20 Continent: AS Diff. UTC: 2 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 1 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for 4Z5UN

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
19/05/2024 01:01 18140.0 5/7 into uk M1EMC
19/05/2024 00:53 18140.0 57 FM5DN
18/05/2024 00:36 18145.0 IK7EES
18/05/2024 00:29 18145.0 Op. Evgeni / Booming signal in Leipzig DL8LSK
18/05/2024 00:21 18145.0 5/6 into uk M1EMC
18/05/2024 00:01 18145.0 EI9JU
16/05/2024 22:34 18131.0 cq.. JA6GGD
16/05/2024 22:24 18131.0 SP5VYF
16/05/2024 21:07 50313.0 JO50UF<ES>KM72KC typo sri DK2EA
16/05/2024 21:02 50313.0 KN69TA<>KM72KC FT8 UR5HVR
15/05/2024 19:25 50313.0 FT8 KN44he -> KM72kc YO4AUL
10/05/2024 18:01 18133.0 CQ LZ1NDV
10/05/2024 00:07 18143.0 KN4ULD
09/05/2024 23:55 18143.0 VE2BK
09/05/2024 23:48 18143.0 EL09<>KM71 W5WLK
09/05/2024 23:40 18143.1 N9GUN
09/05/2024 23:36 18143.0 KE6QEY
09/05/2024 23:33 18143.0 USB JN64af -> KM71 IU4FKC
09/05/2024 23:32 18143.0 VY2FU
09/05/2024 22:34 18135.0 IU5SFI
09/05/2024 22:20 18135.0 CQ CQ CQ RC7KY
09/05/2024 21:46 18130.0 CQ M1CIZ
04/05/2024 22:25 18148.0 JA6GGD
04/05/2024 22:04 18148.0 atas challenge IN78TF85FM 73` F4HSN
04/05/2024 19:15 18124.0 CQ CQ CQ RC7KY