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ITU: 37 CQ: 33 Continent: AF Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 1 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for EA9KB

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
19/05/2024 18:21 28467.0 JO31LX<>IM75IV DK6TO
19/05/2024 18:15 28467.0 CDM EA9* DV1DLX
19/05/2024 18:12 28467.0 cq dx EA2ELS
19/05/2024 18:08 28467.0 DK9ZZ
19/05/2024 18:08 28467.0 cq DL10DX
19/05/2024 17:49 28467.0 Thanks for the contact 73 to you and IU5SFP
19/05/2024 17:38 28467.0 5/9 - 73 de Udo ! Tnx fr new band ! DL9UN
19/05/2024 17:33 28467.0 CDM EA9* IZ1252SWL
19/05/2024 17:33 28467.0 IO91AQ<ES>IM75IV 2E0LMI
19/05/2024 17:32 28467.0 thx for call 73 DO2HKV
19/05/2024 17:29 28467.0 5/9 Low power EA3HXQ
19/05/2024 17:27 28467.0 cQ Dx PD2ET
19/05/2024 17:20 28467.0 73`s loud hr EA3AR
19/05/2024 17:15 28467.0 DD0UM
18/05/2024 18:13 7134.0 cq cq enrique ceuta buenas tardes EA7KKB
18/05/2024 18:03 14185.0 IK3VUT
17/05/2024 18:54 14185.0 cQ Dx PD2ET
17/05/2024 18:47 14185.0 tu Henry 59+10 73 gl de Helmut DF4IY
17/05/2024 18:34 14185.0 grazie 73 IK7IZM
17/05/2024 18:32 14185.0 USB DF1GA
14/05/2024 18:41 14185.0 tnx 73 9A3AYW
14/05/2024 18:26 14185.0 Tnx. 5/9 73! ES1WL
14/05/2024 18:20 14185.0 Cq M0ZDZ
10/05/2024 19:29 7186.0 qrt EA7XJ
10/05/2024 19:13 7186.0 CQ EA5ML