Country information
ITU: 39 CQ: 21 Continent: AS Diff. UTC: 3 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 2 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for 9K2NO

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
18/05/2024 01:30 14021.0 KP4AF
18/05/2024 01:02 14235.0 strong into wales de 2w0huu 2W0HUU
18/05/2024 00:56 14235.0 59 into trinidad and tobago fk90fp 9Y4NE
18/05/2024 00:41 14235.0 USB EM84ge -> LL39 KQ4EYR
18/05/2024 00:34 14235.0 super loud 9K2OD
18/05/2024 00:28 14235.0 59 in Miami Beach FL KJ4JTQ
18/05/2024 00:16 14235.0 cQ Dx PD2ET
18/05/2024 00:16 14235.0 USB J62DX
17/05/2024 23:22 14236.0 A65HS
17/05/2024 23:20 14236.0 5/9 PD2WTD
17/05/2024 22:39 14018.0 F5PAL
17/05/2024 22:15 14017.9 tu Muhammad 599 73 gl de Helmut .. DF4IY
17/05/2024 22:07 14018.0 cq JA2DHX
16/05/2024 17:58 21013.0 A65HS
16/05/2024 13:47 50313.0 SM0KAK
13/05/2024 17:45 24892.0 LL73EP<>LL39GX A65HS
13/05/2024 17:45 24892.0 tnx qso 73! UR4CW
10/05/2024 20:21 18075.9 WA8KAN
10/05/2024 20:09 18076.0 TNX DL0SX
10/05/2024 20:06 18076.0 CW EA8RY
10/05/2024 20:05 18076.0 Tnx new band - Muhammad WB8AKW
10/05/2024 20:02 18076.0 no takers DM4AO
10/05/2024 19:32 21023.0 A65HS
10/05/2024 19:30 21023.0 up1 tnx fr contact F5TVL
10/05/2024 19:23 21023.0 txn, strong signal PA3EQN