This page shows the DX information for ZS4TX including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 57 CQ: 38 Continent: AF Diff. UTC: 2 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for ZS4TX

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
16/02/2025 18:39 UTC 28071.7 CW N5EE
16/02/2025 05:17 UTC 7065.0 W2YC
16/02/2025 05:04 UTC 7065.0 K3LR
16/02/2025 04:59 UTC 7065.0 CW K7QA
04/02/2025 19:04 UTC 432072.2 Q65 JO02<EME>KG30 G0JDL
02/02/2025 18:30 UTC 144132.0 EN61UW>KG30BX EME KU8Y
02/02/2025 18:01 UTC 144132.0 KP20<EME>KG30 tu QSO -17dB Q65 OH4LA
02/02/2025 17:48 UTC 144132.0 JO40CX<EME>KG30BX tnx QSO 73 best-19 DF5DE
02/02/2025 14:55 UTC 144132.0 <EME> Q65A -12 dB Tnx YU7SMN
02/02/2025 14:39 UTC 144132.0 IN97 EME KG30 B-12 F4HBY