This page shows the DX information for YI1YJK including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 39 CQ: 21 Continent: AS Diff. UTC: 3 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for YI1YJK

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
23/01/2025 15:50 UTC 10489670.0 SAT QO100 USB QTH Bagdad 5.9 ufb DG7LAZ
22/01/2025 14:42 UTC 10489667.0 IK5ZAI
22/01/2025 13:19 UTC 10489667.0 cq ssb tnx ON5PU
16/01/2025 17:29 UTC 10489659.0 YOUSIF QO100 LM23EI G4WQG
15/01/2025 17:54 UTC 10489669.0 QO-100 SSB JN70eu -> LM23ei IZ8FDH
14/01/2025 18:34 UTC 10489792.0 cq sat qo-100 5up SV2HZT
13/01/2025 16:05 UTC 10489658.0 cq sat qo-100 up SV2HZT
11/01/2025 16:13 UTC 10489818.0 cq sat qo-100 5 up SV2HZT
08/01/2025 17:06 UTC 10489819.0 UP IW3SSA
08/01/2025 15:28 UTC 10489818.1 cq sat qo-100 5 up SV2HZT