This page shows the DX information for YB4LGQ including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 54 CQ: 28 Continent: OC Diff. UTC: 7 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 120 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for YB4LGQ

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
16/10/2024 15:46 UTC 21076.0 FT8 -01 JO60LM<>OI25 DL4JCP
18/09/2024 15:51 UTC 24915.0 IOTA OC-143 IK3ORE
15/09/2024 18:03 UTC 18100.0 Tnx For Short QSO 73 SQ7FZR
07/09/2024 16:22 UTC 7075.4 VK3HAG
27/06/2024 15:36 UTC 24917.6 KC0GU
27/06/2024 15:10 UTC 24915.0 FT8 -09dB from OI25 1159Hz EA1AHP
11/05/2024 23:09 UTC 7074.0 HRD FT8 IM58js CQ CR7BIN
09/05/2024 16:29 UTC 24915.0 FT8 -10dB from OI25 1285Hz SP7IIT
05/05/2024 16:03 UTC 18100.1 FT8 -08dB from OI25 2059Hz SP7IIT
03/04/2024 15:47 UTC 7074.0 FT8 -11dB 1970Hz BD2BN