This page shows the DX information for VK0/FT4YM/P including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 69 CQ: 39 Continent: SA Diff. UTC: -0 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for VK0/FT4YM/P

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
14/02/2025 09:56 UTC 21074.0 FT8 -14dB QF56 tnx 73 cqcq VK2LAW
12/02/2025 17:18 UTC 14247.0 USB JN36gj -> MC12 F4BMY
12/02/2025 17:15 UTC 14247.0 CASEY STATION ANTARTICA F4FKT
12/02/2025 13:30 UTC 14207.0 CASEY STATION nw on KE5EE net IK1NEG
12/02/2025 13:08 UTC 14247.0 Casey Station Antarctica (merci Dadou) IK1NEG
12/02/2025 13:07 UTC 14207.0 KE5EE net F5PYI
12/02/2025 12:17 UTC 14247.0 CASEY STATION F4FKT
12/02/2025 10:17 UTC 18100.0 ANTARCTICA Sorry call typo JR0GXA
12/02/2025 09:43 UTC 18122.0 CASEY STATION F4FKT
12/02/2025 09:30 UTC 14225.0 CASEY STATION F4FKT