This page shows the DX information for UA6BJY including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 29 CQ: 16 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 4 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 26 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for UA6BJY

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
18/01/2025 19:17 UTC 7046.5 RTTY OZ1FHU
18/01/2025 18:47 UTC 7043.8 PSK63 F4ITQ
18/01/2025 15:51 UTC 7039.3 PSK63 HB9TZU
05/10/2024 19:53 UTC 3583.5 PSK63 R6NZ
05/10/2024 18:04 UTC 7046.6 RTTY45 Russian WW Digital Contest RA3V
05/10/2024 16:43 UTC 7040.9 BPSK63 Russian WW Digital Contest RA3V
07/09/2024 21:59 UTC 7041.0 DK8EY
07/09/2024 18:20 UTC 7038.0 RTTY45 Russian WW RTTY Contest RA3V
02/05/2024 14:21 UTC 7082.0 SSB RA3AAA
07/04/2024 00:05 UTC 7055.6 RTTY K4XL