This page shows the DX information for LA7TN including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 18 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 7 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for LA7TN

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
07/02/2025 10:37 UTC 14333.0 OS8D
07/02/2025 10:27 UTC 14333.0 TNX-TORE- POTA-NO-2482 IK2UIG
07/02/2025 10:21 UTC 14333.0 POTA NO-2482 ON3EMT
07/02/2025 10:18 UTC 14333.0 POTA-NO-2482 IK2UIG
07/02/2025 10:16 UTC 14333.0 5/7 here tnx ON3CRD
07/02/2025 10:10 UTC 14333.0 POTA NO-2482 OE4ENU
06/02/2025 11:57 UTC 14186.0 EA1BRT
06/02/2025 11:49 UTC 14331.0 POTA NO-2569 EB1AD
06/02/2025 11:47 UTC 14331.0 Norway POTA: NO-2569 VE9CF
06/02/2025 11:45 UTC 14331.0 POTA NO-2569 OE4ENU