This page shows the DX information for LA3YNA including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 18 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 5 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for LA3YNA

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
01/02/2025 18:09 UTC 70154.0 JP50JA<>JO48NS FT8/14dB CQ LA4LN
19/01/2025 18:05 UTC 144174.0 <TROPO> FT8 -17 dB 584HZ TNX QSO UT9UR
19/01/2025 17:37 UTC 144174.0 JO48 -16 QSB G8HGN
19/01/2025 17:29 UTC 144174.7 JO01FQ<TROPO>JO48 934km G3YDY
19/01/2025 16:38 UTC 144174.0 JO62GJ<TROPO>JO48 tnx qso,73+HNY DM2ECM
19/01/2025 16:37 UTC 144175.0 FT4 +21 dB dl0ni/dl5ebs DG8YHH
19/01/2025 15:51 UTC 144174.0 JN18JR<TROPO>JO48NS hrd -7dB F6ANO
19/01/2025 15:41 UTC 144174.0 JO82LJ<TROPO>JO48NS hrd SO3Z
19/01/2025 15:11 UTC 144174.0 <TROPO> FT8 -19 dB 352 Hz DK5EW
17/01/2025 07:57 UTC 144174.0 KO04HT<TROPO>JO48NS UA2FBW