This page shows the DX information for HI0SDR including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 11 CQ: 8 Continent: NA Diff. UTC: -4 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 10 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for HI0SDR

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
03/02/2025 15:44 UTC 40680.0 EI4GEB
04/01/2025 12:13 UTC 40680.0 JN11CX<>FK58 tnx rpt 73 DX EA3ERE
17/11/2024 12:35 UTC 40680.0 JN11CX<>FK49 tnx rpt 73 DX EA3ERE
21/10/2024 14:09 UTC 40680.0 FT8 2nd rcvd -24dB RBN takers? TU 73 ON8ON
19/10/2024 13:27 UTC 40680.0 FT8 rcvd -22dB on his RBN ON8ON
14/10/2024 01:36 UTC 144180.0 Q65B +0 dB 1879 Hz LU7MC
11/10/2024 01:03 UTC 144180.0 Q65B -13 dB 1604 Hz LU5FF
06/10/2024 00:49 UTC 144180.0 Q65B +0 dB 1584 Hz LU5FF
15/06/2024 21:12 UTC 144120.0 KN88DC<EME>FK58AL UR3EE
10/03/2024 13:59 UTC 40680.0 EI4GEB