This page shows the DX information for F8BRK including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 27 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 5 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for F8BRK

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
09/02/2025 08:49 UTC 144214.0 JN23OJ<>JN16JH F0FGF
09/02/2025 07:30 UTC 144214.0 mci gerard jn16 F8TMQ
09/02/2025 06:13 UTC 144214.0 IN98KE<>JN16JH F4FRG
02/02/2025 09:10 UTC 432214.0 JN36LM<TROPO>JN16JH PSE turn antenna to East HB9AOF
02/02/2025 08:25 UTC 432214.0 IN98JC<>JN16JH 59 Mci 73 F6BQG
02/02/2025 08:13 UTC 432214.0 JN03MD<TROPO>JN16JH MCI 59015 59006 F5NLL
02/02/2025 06:47 UTC 432214.0 IN98KE<>JN46JH F4FRG
02/02/2025 06:47 UTC 1296214.0 IN98KE<>JN16JH F4FRG
19/01/2025 08:03 UTC 144214.0 CQ contest DDFM03 F4CKV
19/01/2025 07:58 UTC 144214.0 JN12LQ>>JN16JH 59 Tnx F4GCU