This page shows the DX information for DS5USH including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 44 CQ: 25 Continent: AS Diff. UTC: 9 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 2 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for DS5USH

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
12/02/2025 02:01 UTC 28075.8 KA6USA
09/02/2025 23:32 UTC 21103.6 WK1Q
09/02/2025 22:38 UTC 14103.5 CQ WPX RTTY K7VIT
05/02/2025 08:16 UTC 28180.0 FT4 4 db 1850 Hz PM45 EB3WH
31/01/2025 23:39 UTC 28075.3 KB8OTK
31/01/2025 23:29 UTC 28075.7 VA3NXE
25/01/2025 23:45 UTC 28074.0 FT8 VE3SS
18/01/2025 09:19 UTC 21009.5 CW PY2UDB
15/01/2025 09:58 UTC 21074.0 TNX QSO 73 PY2CAT
11/01/2025 00:50 UTC 28027.0 tks qso 73 LW9EKA