This page shows the DX information for DJ6AG including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 24 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for DJ6AG

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
18/01/2025 16:54 UTC 144175.0 FT8 +37 dB gm4yxi DG8YHH
16/01/2025 21:12 UTC 144176.3 JO51<TROPO>JN68GH DF7RG
13/01/2025 19:22 UTC 144175.0 FT8 s +06 only DG8YHH
13/01/2025 18:59 UTC 432174.0 besnten Dank 73 aus Paris F5DQK
13/01/2025 18:52 UTC 144175.0 FT8 LA3BO VK3BDX vk 80m DG8YHH
13/01/2025 18:51 UTC 144175.0 FT8 +34 dB chat user on4kst DG8YHH
13/01/2025 18:28 UTC 144175.0 FT8+39 dB f5dqk jn18 DG8YHH
13/01/2025 13:53 UTC 144175.0 FT8 dj0py jo32 +42 DG8YHH
13/01/2025 12:59 UTC 144175.0 FT8 +43 dB Beko dieter DG8YHH
12/01/2025 18:02 UTC 144175.0 FT8 g4tra +30db DG8YHH