This page shows the DX information for BG4FRZ including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 44 CQ: 24 Continent: AS Diff. UTC: 8 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 11 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for BG4FRZ

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
05/02/2025 10:26 UTC 21074.0 FT8 -12dB 1150Hz ON7DY
04/02/2025 14:06 UTC 7074.0 TNX FOR QSO 73! UA1ZQN
26/10/2024 07:23 UTC 21303.0 USB BI7KKA
04/09/2024 09:35 UTC 21074.0 FT8 FF51 db-06 From FF51 1965 Hz LU6YR
17/03/2024 14:12 UTC 10137.7 W6YXY
16/03/2024 14:17 UTC 7074.5 K7GA
05/03/2024 16:10 UTC 3573.0 FT8 +00dB from PM01 1033Hz BD2BN
25/02/2024 07:53 UTC 28074.0 FT8 - 03 db tnx qso FH IZ5WTV
25/02/2024 07:46 UTC 28074.0 FT8 TNX DG5TF