This page shows the DX information for 2E0TFC including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 27 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: -0 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 143 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for 2E0TFC

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
26/09/2024 07:05 UTC 14337.0 USB QF69mo -> IO83vl VK2CPC
30/07/2024 07:33 UTC 14337.0 USB QF69mo -> IO83vl VK2CPC
22/04/2024 13:50 UTC 28074.0 2E0TFC qsy SV1HFE