UTC Freq Call DXCC Comment Spotter
11:28 28427.0 A65D/P United Arab Emirates   United Arab Emirates USB JO22pr -> LL74nx PD2WL
11:28 28427.0 A65D United Arab Emirates   United Arab Emirates USB DF1DGE
11:28 28480.0 VK2OT Australia   Australia mike IK4GRO
11:27 21035.0 R9JBZ Asiatic Russia   Asiatic Russia RDA HM-23 HA3MN
11:27 21140.0 CU2AP Azores   Azores FT4 JH7RTQ
11:27 50313.0 DL75DARC Fed. Rep. of Germany   Fed. Rep. of Germany FT8 -5 dB 1416 Hz EC4C
11:26 14074.0 JJ1WLB Japan   Japan FT8 FF51 db-06 From FF51 1965 Hz LU6YR
11:26 18135.0 V73WW Marshall Islands   Marshall Islands QSX 18140.00 USB E29TGW
11:26 28480.0 VK2OT Australia   Australia Wkd 5/9 SP a Savona 73 Mike IZ1MHS
11:25 7112.0 EA7FQS Spain   Spain hermandades del rocio EA7ARI
11:25 14270.0 V73WW Marshall Islands   Marshall Islands QSX 14275.30 USB E29TGW
11:25 28473.0 RA6ADQ European Russia   European Russia M7FTM
11:25 7087.0 IZ8FCA Italy   Italy ionotest AWD IU3IIZ
11:25 21170.0 RN3ZR/P European Russia   European Russia CQ RDA:BO-30 RV9UCN
11:24 28074.0 PU8AND Brazil   Brazil FT8 IU4BJC
11:22 21074.0 EA4TX Spain   Spain FT8 -15dB 814Hz PY4OY
11:24 28485.0 4Z5LA Israel   Israel M7FTM
11:24 28427.0 A65D United Arab Emirates   United Arab Emirates Thanks for the QSO and 73 TA2SQ
11:23 21333.0 DB6NL Fed. Rep. of Germany   Fed. Rep. of Germany POTA DE-0496 EA5JN
11:23 18135.0 V73WW Marshall Islands   Marshall Islands weak but gd ears DL8LAS

What is this page?

The DX Cluster is a tool used by radio amateurs to share real-time information about radio links (DX) and active stations in frequency. It is a network of interconnected servers that allows radio operators to post and receive reports (called "spots") on active DX stations in the band, indicating frequency, callsign, mode and other useful information.

A DX Cluster node is a server or access point that offers service to other hams, allowing them to connect via specific software, via packet radio, or via telnet terminal.

Radio operators publish "spots" to report DX stations they have heard or connected to, specifying the frequency and other information.

The spots are shared in real time with all users connected to the DX Cluster's worldwide network.

Radio amateurs and SWLs can use this information to search for new DX stations to connect (or listen to), following the frequency and mode directions.