UTC Freq Call DXCC Comment Spotter
11:03 24919.0 JR4OZR Japan   Japan FT4 +02 dB from PM95 EA8DEG
11:03 28074.0 SV3AUW Greece   Greece ft8 M0EDY
11:03 14152.0 R4DS European Russia   European Russia cq UA6ABE
11:02 14225.0 XR2AID Chile   Chile CQ DX ,TNX QSO JH0OQZ
11:01 3573.0 4U1UN United Nations HQ   United Nations HQ FT8 -04dB from FN30 408Hz W4UCK
11:01 28074.0 EW6CB Belarus   Belarus ft8 M0EDY
11:01 14341.0 DL9CP Fed. Rep. of Germany   Fed. Rep. of Germany 59 tnx Carsten , cq pota EA3MP
11:01 18084.0 MD0CCE Isle of Man   Isle of Man CQ JI1FXS
11:00 24919.0 A61DI United Arab Emirates   United Arab Emirates FT4 +06 dB EA8DEG
11:00 28074.0 ER4KAA Moldova   Moldova ft8 M0EDY
10:59 145525.0 EA8AMT Canary Islands   Canary Islands Ea8 gc004 pico sandara EA8YN
10:59 7092.0 EA7FQS Spain   Spain hermandades del rocio EA4RCC
10:59 28470.0 4Z5LA Israel   Israel 59 &tnx LX1LW
10:59 28014.8 DJ3AS Fed. Rep. of Germany   Fed. Rep. of Germany cq DX DL7SI
10:58 14225.0 XR2AID Chile   Chile HELPING TO "JOSE" KH2XX
10:58 7120.0 PD0RWL/P Netherlands   Netherlands ON3PDM
10:58 24917.5 TF5B Iceland   Iceland J88BTI
10:57 28074.0 UN7LZ Kazakhstan   Kazakhstan FT8 tnx QSO GL/GDX 73! OM1AN
10:56 7198.0 G4SND England   England IOTA EU005 G4SND
10:55 14225.0 XR2AID Chile   Chile HELPING TO "JOSE" RA4CV

What is this page?

The DX Cluster is a tool used by radio amateurs to share real-time information about radio links (DX) and active stations in frequency. It is a network of interconnected servers that allows radio operators to post and receive reports (called "spots") on active DX stations in the band, indicating frequency, callsign, mode and other useful information.

A DX Cluster node is a server or access point that offers service to other hams, allowing them to connect via specific software, via packet radio, or via telnet terminal.

Radio operators publish "spots" to report DX stations they have heard or connected to, specifying the frequency and other information.

The spots are shared in real time with all users connected to the DX Cluster's worldwide network.

Radio amateurs and SWLs can use this information to search for new DX stations to connect (or listen to), following the frequency and mode directions.