UTC Freq Call DXCC Comment Spotter
12:21 7127.0 R6LD European Russia   European Russia M-DX-C UA3SCU
12:21 18070.0 DA0IARU Fed. Rep. of Germany   Fed. Rep. of Germany DF0DA
12:21 18074.0 KH0W Mariana Islands   Mariana Islands DF0DA
12:20 28455.0 SV8QDJ Greece   Greece TNX 73 PD1JN
12:20 21297.0 UN7CFI Kazakhstan   Kazakhstan SV8EUX
12:20 24915.0 YO3ALE Romania   Romania FT8 -13dB from KN24 1468Hz G0LZX
12:20 7145.0 EA1BPC Spain   Spain Consigue diploma Severo Ochoa EA1FDD
12:20 14212.0 VU2VID India   India VINOD, CQ CQ LP 20/9 N4GNR
12:20 14226.0 HS0ZMY Thailand   Thailand cq lp usa south pole LP NA HB9TWK
12:19 28180.0 RA4HEX European Russia   European Russia FT4 tnx 73s. CS7AUT
12:19 28465.0 TC8DX Asiatic Turkey   Asiatic Turkey 73 Thomas 1219Z DO5DT
12:19 7158.0 SP5ROM Poland   Poland pota pl 1190 SP4C
12:19 7174.0 IK8SHL/P Italy   Italy DCI-SA020 WCA I-08734 DAI-CP0096 WWFF IFF-2881 IZ0ARL
12:18 7174.0 IK8SHL/P Italy   Italy DCI-SA020 CP-0096 IFF-2881 IK2SAV
12:18 14170.0 R0AGK Asiatic Russia   Asiatic Russia kk-34 rdacabinet.ru R0AGK
12:18 7092.0 EA7FQS Spain   Spain HERMANDADES DEL ROCIO EA7IPE
12:18 50145.0 NH6LF Hawaii   Hawaii EM60HQ<MS> KZ4TT
12:18 7174.0 IK8SHL/P Italy   Italy Iff 2881dci SA 020 CP 0096 IZ1TNA
12:17 10111.9 OE/K7MK/P Austria   Austria OE/SB-300 DL1HBT

What is this page?

The DX Cluster is a tool used by radio amateurs to share real-time information about radio links (DX) and active stations in frequency. It is a network of interconnected servers that allows radio operators to post and receive reports (called "spots") on active DX stations in the band, indicating frequency, callsign, mode and other useful information.

A DX Cluster node is a server or access point that offers service to other hams, allowing them to connect via specific software, via packet radio, or via telnet terminal.

Radio operators publish "spots" to report DX stations they have heard or connected to, specifying the frequency and other information.

The spots are shared in real time with all users connected to the DX Cluster's worldwide network.

Radio amateurs and SWLs can use this information to search for new DX stations to connect (or listen to), following the frequency and mode directions.